This is what I’m up to right now, i.e. my own personal instance of a now page.
I'm working for The Yield Technology Solutions. Which is an AgTech scaleup in Sydney, Australia. While I started as an embedded systems engineer working on their Micro Climate Sensing System (MCSS) I'm now the IoT Architect specialising in a range of data sources from 3rd party on farm hardware to providers of different weather data and related products.
In my spare time I'm interested in hydroponics and want to do some more work in this space eventually, but admittedly not so much progress here.
We recently bought and moved into an apartment. So everything in the electronics/workbench/tools/shed category is now in a separate workshop/studio at a co-working space. So have been putting effort into setting that up.
I've been dabbling a bit more with home automation with Home Assistant in the new home and workshop.
I also help out with off-grid infrastructure (power,water,internet) on a fiends rural property,
Last year I went to Burning Man in the US for my 50th so that kicked of interest/projects in the blinken lights and remote communications spaces so playing with wLED and Meshtastic a bit.
All this change has resulted in energy to both finish off some exiting projects and re work my rather out of date website.
Add in a couple of teenagers, and a fantastic wife for good measure....
Oh yea and inline skating, got back into it over COVID times and now skate all the time and play street hockey with SRHLS. Enthusiasm exceeds skill levels in all respects but having fun.
PS this page exists only because I was cribbing so hard from Dan MacKinlays site when re designing my own.